this blog is about what I feel in my daily life, it is more to my diary and what I thoughts
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
my Borneo friends are going to leave me alone in this class...huhu
Im fucking sad cuz my peers ..huhu:( they are going to leave me..LOL.....
Monday, August 16, 2010
i MISS him...
Just now, we (the choir team) were actually supposed to have choir practise at, canceLLED!!
sO, I sat lar at the Ruang Legar with Ruth and Su Wei, DannGGGG!
OMG!! I thought I was dreaming...a creature with a smiley eyes stood infront of me..warGH!!!
hE was so real and I felt like want to hug him (aih, cannot larh!!) hehe:0
Thrilled, I went up to him and talked to him..I looked into his eyes and felt something strong I had never felt before, something warm..yeah, those eyes..I LOVE IT..the way he talked to me..I melted okay..
It is quite hard for us to meet each other even we live in this campus(huh?)
yeah, another thing about him!!!
I was standing@waiting for my clicks to take the borang GERKO outside the Gerko building...
all of a sudden, I heard the 'ssssh' sound from the back, and I saw him..hehe, I'M SO HAPPY!!! EXCITED of course...hehe
I don't know how to explain my feelings toward him, and...yeah do not how to express..but I really interested in him, like I want to know what he had for breakfast..want to know his favourite band, what kind of atmosphere in a home he likes...things like that..
I won't ask other guys those question okay..hahahaha
sO, I sat lar at the Ruang Legar with Ruth and Su Wei, DannGGGG!
OMG!! I thought I was dreaming...a creature with a smiley eyes stood infront of me..warGH!!!
hE was so real and I felt like want to hug him (aih, cannot larh!!) hehe:0
Thrilled, I went up to him and talked to him..I looked into his eyes and felt something strong I had never felt before, something warm..yeah, those eyes..I LOVE IT..the way he talked to me..I melted okay..
It is quite hard for us to meet each other even we live in this campus(huh?)
yeah, another thing about him!!!
I was standing@waiting for my clicks to take the borang GERKO outside the Gerko building...
all of a sudden, I heard the 'ssssh' sound from the back, and I saw him..hehe, I'M SO HAPPY!!! EXCITED of course...hehe
I don't know how to explain my feelings toward him, and...yeah do not how to express..but I really interested in him, like I want to know what he had for breakfast..want to know his favourite band, what kind of atmosphere in a home he likes...things like that..
I won't ask other guys those question okay..hahahaha
Anduk bha.....
punya byk assignments...giLaR lerHH!!!
sY nda taw kehidupan sy mcmna lepas nie...
nda juga susa nie TESL, agak2 lar jg law smua dtg skali bha..
antar pun smua sblum raya..huhu..
stress tul, rindu family lag..huhu..
hanya SHOPPING yg bg relieve tense sy kat cnie..
huhu, for sure I will do that during weekend..hehehe...:)
punya byk assignments...giLaR lerHH!!!
sY nda taw kehidupan sy mcmna lepas nie...
nda juga susa nie TESL, agak2 lar jg law smua dtg skali bha..
antar pun smua sblum raya..huhu..
stress tul, rindu family lag..huhu..
hanya SHOPPING yg bg relieve tense sy kat cnie..
huhu, for sure I will do that during weekend..hehehe...:)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Kesilapan masa lalu yg buat sy sedih smpai tak taw apa nak buat, sy dah try jad baik, sy tak nak jad mcm dlu lag.
Friday, August 13, 2010
I think it is pretty hard to accept changes on something/someone that you are really familiar with it.
The same thing goes to me, yeah..
everytime I broke up with a guy, then I met another guy, it is very hard to adjust myself to the new guy..
so, trying to make the 'changes' in my life to stable, I changed my hairstyle, change almost everything lar..hehe..
Actually, I really miss my bbymeo, where is he ar??
I want to go out with him, but we are too busy with assignments,don't even have time to sit together and talk face to face..
why is it so hard ar???
The same thing goes to me, yeah..
everytime I broke up with a guy, then I met another guy, it is very hard to adjust myself to the new guy..
so, trying to make the 'changes' in my life to stable, I changed my hairstyle, change almost everything lar..hehe..
Actually, I really miss my bbymeo, where is he ar??
I want to go out with him, but we are too busy with assignments,don't even have time to sit together and talk face to face..
why is it so hard ar???

something is missing in my life..
no matter what I do or say..
I still feel the same..
I don't know what to do..
I don't feel like singing/ sleeping..
I need a companion.
I need attention from my family..
I need some peace from this hell.
I still feel the same..
I don't know what to do..
I don't feel like singing/ sleeping..
I need a companion.
I need attention from my family..
I need some peace from this hell.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
This morning............

Last night, I slept in Rona and Adeline's room. So we chatted a lot..hehe, I just had my breakfast with them and while having our breakfast, of course we chatted(pot-pet-pot-pet)
hahahaha..our topic was...'LESBIAN'..
you know what?? I had two experiences dealing with 'the creature'
The first one, I met during I was 14/15 yrs old..haha, can't really remember..she served us in the 'Dewan makan'..She was damn nice to me, and even took the chance to look at my breasts(OMG)
and I really, really hate that kind of thing! eooooWWWw!!!
My friends and I were always go to the 'dewan makan' and had our supper after PREP NIGHT class, but one day, I did not join them, so...
'tHE cREature', sent a junior to give me the supper, I still remember, it was a sandwich!!!
Gosh....I threw the food..hehe, then (tutut) my phone vibrated, she sent me a message, asking me bout the supper she has given. OMG.........HUHUHUHU..
sEcond, when I was 16, I don't know where the hell she got my number,
at first, she said she wanted to be my friend, then I said, ok..
next, she asked a few personal questions..
then, she asked me to be her 'GF'..
I was like, WHAT???
I said, 'NO'..
and we are still friends till' now..hehe..
So weird lar this kind of 'girls'...
I don't why they wanted to be a LESBIAN...(???)
Well, who knows the reasons..
But, one advice...
No matter how bad you feel,
no matter how sucks your world are,
after dumped by a guy..
and you already did everything with him..
like, you want to be a LESBIAN/PENGKID..
don't be stupid okay..
God knows and already sent a guy for each of us(GIRLS)..
It is just, we have not met the guy who suits us..
I already met my guy..
:) broken heart is recovering now...
and Romeo, I want you to know that...I REALLY LOVE YOU..
I accept you..whoever you are..
because, I believe in my instinct. :)

During LDV class...Mdm. Haaiyon returned our essay.
I'm so happy because I've got B..
I never expect I can get B for my English essay, plus, this is my first checked essay in IPSAH..
wow.....this is what we called improvement..
anyway, I'll study harder to improve my English..
and I strongly believe that learning is a never ending process..xoxo
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The Hotspring trip

I'm back to tell you guys bout' the Hotspring trip..
Actually, I joined the CF(Christian Fellowship) so, thats why I got involved in such activity:)
We gathered at the front of IPSAH'S Koop around 4.00p.m, then the huge, yellow, school bus came to fetch us.
Mdm. Mary and Mr. Basil came along with us as they were actually the VVIP for CF.
In the bus, I sat next to Floriza..
and you know what??
The road to the place was like...OMG!
I MISS SABAH..huhu, I listened to music most of the time, ate biscuits and raisin..hehe
Then, after 1 hour and a half(I guess) we arrived.
Okay fine, I ONLY saw 2 middle aged man 'berendam'...Gosh!!' What the hell is happenin' here?'
Terlalu ckit org...
hehe...I was in Juju's group, there were 11 of us..yeah, altogether..
and Rona, Adeline and I sat together and had our dinner..(The food was pretty nice!)
at 7pm, we started our games. We were given candies.(Colourful). But I took red, yellow and green. We were asked to stand up depending on what colour William wanted, so when he asked the greeny one, I stood up.Later, he asked us,'What is your favourite place?'
I was like...WHAT?? of course lar, I answered, MY BEDROOM, IN MY HOUSE..HAHAHAHAHA
i love to sleep you know...
Then, after we had done with all those game, I change my attire...(nak brendam)
haha...the water was damn hot..n I did not even swim, cuz it was too HOT!
HUHU...I wondered how come Gib swam in the middle of the pool????
haha...I didn't take pic with my bbymeo:(
but, nevermind, I'm quite shy with him.hehe
In the bus, I sat beside him..I even slept on his shoulder, n 'kcu2' his sideburn..I love it!!
hehe...he was nice but a bit 'naughty'..(I dont know how to handle my bbymeo if he is getting naughtier) haha...I love him:)
Best tul jad udang panggang..haha, tap nie lar antara pgalaman sy yg paling best dlm dunia nie..d sebalik menembak:- kita akan sedar siapa kita, kita akan dpt rasa btapa kecilnya kita n kita dpt fikir btapa bodohnya org yg membunuh menggunakn senjata api. WHY?? SBAB...mreka tlalu ikut prasaan mreka, langsung tak fikir dosa n org lain, ikut ska ja..mcm sy tym menembak, dah lar tak pkai spec, sembarang ja tembak2..hehe..well, itular moral yg sy dpt belajar..but actually byk lagi, tapi depends ngan org tu lar apa dia nak rasa kan? oren ka sanquick....hehe, GooD NigHt!!
Tinggal Kenangan......
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Do I need a new haircut????
pagi2 nie sy on9 tgk baju2 baru kat kaboodle site..hehe, skali tgk fashion rmbut hot..huhu, mcm maw ptong lar rmbut nie..borink dah tgk.. tapi nda maw tlampau pndek lar, pndek ckit ja, smpai bahu..pastu ujung tahun nie maw tukar lae style n topup warna baru..hehe, n sy nak nak p salun lar jumaat nie cuz my dad nak bg lag duit, nak bg manja kpala..hehe..wah!! im sooooo excited!! bestnya jad 18, hehe..neway, sy bru bc news on9 kat bharian psal sorg bpak yg protect anak gurl dia dlm satu cubaan utk mculik,
bayangkan lar, c bapak mjaga, membesarkan, memberi duit yg banyak(my dad 2) hehe..kpd anak2nya..
mang besar sgt pgorbanan parents kita, jad kita mesti mghormati mereka..
yala, sa taw sy nie KAKI SHOPPING, tapi sy rajin mgemas taw..untung dorg sy jad anak pompuan yg ska masak n kemas2..hehehe
bukan smua gurl pndai mgemas n taw bwat keja..hehe
saya try2 lar bg kurang shopping ar. tap bah kan..mang sy nda dpt tahan law tak bli barang baru..
tym tdo pun sy ble mimp shopping n jalan2 kat butik..oMG!!!
"Connie, stop it!"
mang itu ja ayat kwn2 sy cakap law jalan ngan sy..hehe
smoga kawan2 sya bsabar ngan sy tym jalan kat mana2 yg ada jual baju2/kasut/gelang2..hehe
cuz im a real shopaholic a.k.a windowshoppers..hehe,
bukan apa bha, best cuci mata tgk2 baju cntk(pa lag law trus bli) hehe..
erm, t'ingat pla dresses sy kat rumah, ada lag yg sy blum rasmi pkai..
law balik kgau nant, sy maw p bli dress korea kat satu butik 2..hehehehehehehe.
n nak bli satu lagi high heel, utk bg matching dress..aduuuuih!
lmbt tul msuk elaun..huhuhuhuhuhu..i want to sHop!
bayangkan lar, c bapak mjaga, membesarkan, memberi duit yg banyak(my dad 2) hehe..kpd anak2nya..
mang besar sgt pgorbanan parents kita, jad kita mesti mghormati mereka..
yala, sa taw sy nie KAKI SHOPPING, tapi sy rajin mgemas taw..untung dorg sy jad anak pompuan yg ska masak n kemas2..hehehe
bukan smua gurl pndai mgemas n taw bwat keja..hehe
saya try2 lar bg kurang shopping ar. tap bah kan..mang sy nda dpt tahan law tak bli barang baru..
tym tdo pun sy ble mimp shopping n jalan2 kat butik..oMG!!!
"Connie, stop it!"
mang itu ja ayat kwn2 sy cakap law jalan ngan sy..hehe
smoga kawan2 sya bsabar ngan sy tym jalan kat mana2 yg ada jual baju2/kasut/gelang2..hehe
cuz im a real shopaholic a.k.a windowshoppers..hehe,
bukan apa bha, best cuci mata tgk2 baju cntk(pa lag law trus bli) hehe..
erm, t'ingat pla dresses sy kat rumah, ada lag yg sy blum rasmi pkai..
law balik kgau nant, sy maw p bli dress korea kat satu butik 2..hehehehehehehe.
n nak bli satu lagi high heel, utk bg matching dress..aduuuuih!
lmbt tul msuk elaun..huhuhuhuhuhu..i want to sHop!
A call....
sy baru bgun bha nie..huhu, tad my dad kol sy..hehe..dia tnya duit sy tggal gtaw lar ckit dah, trus dia ckp maw bank in arini..hehehe
dia pesan sy suru pray slalu nie sbab Tuhan lar tmpt kta bsandar setiap ari, every single second..huhu
trus sy excited, nda maw tdur da, sy pray n dgr2 lagu, nyanyi2
(kesian roomate sy tpksa btahan ngan suara merdu(nda bhe) sy awal2 a.m, hehe)
Sebenarnya, bukan 'call' drpd my dad yg sy maw share but actually panggilan drpd Tuhan kpd kita setiap hari utk btaubat dan kembali kpdnya, tak kira lar pa agama sekali pun
mang myuruh mbuat kebaikan kan3???
sy nie bukannya alim pun, tap well, sbagai makhluk ciptaan-Nya, kita perlu lah saling mengingati,
dunia nie hanya tmpat sementara, tak smpai sratus tahun pun kita(masyarakat moden) hdup taw,
kita perlu sedar kita nie siapa, jgn lar dengki2 kat org lain cuz law kita b'usaha n btul2 nakkan something, mest kita ble dpt...
x caya? Cuba lar...
klu xdpt pun, Tuhan telah myediakn something yg better utk kita..
nie lar apa yg sy rasa skrg..
dlu sy fikir kerjaya guru nie low standard sgt2, tap law fkr tul2, tanpa guru..sepa lar doktor/engineer/arkitek/biotech..
kan3? d awal pagi Ramadan nie, sy ingin mgambil kesempatan utk mgucapkan slamt bpuasa kpd kwn2 yg b'agama Islam..hehe
:)sy sgt senang kwn ngan Muslim, sy pun tak taw napa..tap mang sy ramai kwn muslim dr dlu2, smpai skrg2 nie..
uina, byk tul sy ckp...
mcm nda maw abis2..Praise The Lord!! nie lar antara talent yg Tuhan bg kat sy. Idea spontan smasa bcakap, suara yg clear, and a high note voice a.k.a Soprano..
sy btul2 nak memanfaatkan suara sy nie k'arah kebaikan, bukan utk m'nunjuk2 atau glamour,,smuanya yg ada kat atas bumi nie satu ari akan kembali jg kpd-Nya..May God Bless Us:)
dia pesan sy suru pray slalu nie sbab Tuhan lar tmpt kta bsandar setiap ari, every single second..huhu
trus sy excited, nda maw tdur da, sy pray n dgr2 lagu, nyanyi2
(kesian roomate sy tpksa btahan ngan suara merdu(nda bhe) sy awal2 a.m, hehe)
Sebenarnya, bukan 'call' drpd my dad yg sy maw share but actually panggilan drpd Tuhan kpd kita setiap hari utk btaubat dan kembali kpdnya, tak kira lar pa agama sekali pun
mang myuruh mbuat kebaikan kan3???
sy nie bukannya alim pun, tap well, sbagai makhluk ciptaan-Nya, kita perlu lah saling mengingati,
dunia nie hanya tmpat sementara, tak smpai sratus tahun pun kita(masyarakat moden) hdup taw,
kita perlu sedar kita nie siapa, jgn lar dengki2 kat org lain cuz law kita b'usaha n btul2 nakkan something, mest kita ble dpt...
x caya? Cuba lar...
klu xdpt pun, Tuhan telah myediakn something yg better utk kita..
nie lar apa yg sy rasa skrg..
dlu sy fikir kerjaya guru nie low standard sgt2, tap law fkr tul2, tanpa guru..sepa lar doktor/engineer/arkitek/biotech..
kan3? d awal pagi Ramadan nie, sy ingin mgambil kesempatan utk mgucapkan slamt bpuasa kpd kwn2 yg b'agama Islam..hehe
:)sy sgt senang kwn ngan Muslim, sy pun tak taw napa..tap mang sy ramai kwn muslim dr dlu2, smpai skrg2 nie..
uina, byk tul sy ckp...
mcm nda maw abis2..Praise The Lord!! nie lar antara talent yg Tuhan bg kat sy. Idea spontan smasa bcakap, suara yg clear, and a high note voice a.k.a Soprano..
sy btul2 nak memanfaatkan suara sy nie k'arah kebaikan, bukan utk m'nunjuk2 atau glamour,,smuanya yg ada kat atas bumi nie satu ari akan kembali jg kpd-Nya..May God Bless Us:)
i LOVE zEe aVi!
Down to my last stick of cigarettes
Down to the last thought in my head
You saw me
Packing my bags
You asked me if I was coming back
And I told you that I wasn't sure
And I'm five steps away from out the door
Darling it ain't easy
For me to say goodbye
But I have found myself another guy
You look confused
And I don't blame you
But you're never around
Enough for me to love you
For me to love you
Darling don't deserve me
You don't deserve my love
I had planned to give but you shoved it off
Don't think I don't know about the hair on the pillow
And it seems what we had was just a show
Was it all, just a show?
Darling it ain't easy
For us to say goodbye
But I just hope that we’ll have better lives
Darling it ain't easy
For us to say goodbye
But I just hope that we’ll have better lives
Darling it ain't easy
For us to say goodbye
But I just hope that we’ll have better lives
Down to the last thought in my head
You saw me
Packing my bags
You asked me if I was coming back
And I told you that I wasn't sure
And I'm five steps away from out the door
Darling it ain't easy
For me to say goodbye
But I have found myself another guy
You look confused
And I don't blame you
But you're never around
Enough for me to love you
For me to love you
Darling don't deserve me
You don't deserve my love
I had planned to give but you shoved it off
Don't think I don't know about the hair on the pillow
And it seems what we had was just a show
Was it all, just a show?
Darling it ain't easy
For us to say goodbye
But I just hope that we’ll have better lives
Darling it ain't easy
For us to say goodbye
But I just hope that we’ll have better lives
Darling it ain't easy
For us to say goodbye
But I just hope that we’ll have better lives
pRinter SowT?!
DUI deGe!
sot pla nie printer baru sa..
org maw print.
di s2 lar dia btebiat..
law sya nda tahan..
sy antar p Klinik Cinta Sayang nie..hahahahahahahaahahah
sy borink ow..hell
mls tei maw tdur..
puas dah sy tdur maw bwat ar..
dah lar teda krdt sy..
sot punya org celcom,
lmbt tul maw kasi aktif
kecian mom sy msg gtaw dia rndu sy..
hehe(bangga sy kna rindu)
mest dorg rndu sy bising2 d dapur 2..'hehe'
n kuat tdur..kuat jalan..kuat shopping..kuat membodek minta duit..kuat mrajuk(ehe?!), kuat membebel, kuat minum air putih, kuat mrajin kan diri..(pa bha sy ckp nie??) kuat b'aircond, kuat ktawa(huhahuha), kuat brebut rancangan astro ngan adek2, kuat bg arahan kat adek2.. tapikan...SAYA NIE LOVING TAW..
saya sayang FAMILY sy, sanggup korbankan pa2 ja utk nmpak my family hepi..
pcaya ka??
I did once okay..
Tuhan 2 pyayang, sgt adil..
see my life? im so blessed okay..thank u Lord..
sy nda sabar maw gunakn suara bulat utk bcakap & mnyanyi nie kat church..
my voice is my secret weapon taw!
byk dah pgalam sy psal suara nie..
psal sy gaduh ngan doktor2pakar kat hospitAl(in BI) HAHA..LOLZ!
GDUH ngan security guard kat female ward kgau(mang sy brani tul)-bduh nie sa-
mAki2 ex(s)-bf kat phone..hahaha..punya lucu, pa sy pduli,mang dorg yg salah..(sot)
lawan mulut ngan gurls gete d skul dlu,
p bgaduh ngan pondan dpn Bank BSN(PEDULI!!)
byk lag..nant lae sy kasi taw,,
jan cua2 gaduh ngan sy taw, law sy start buka mulut, ble jatuh maruah org 2 s'umur hidup
mang sy baik law korg jad kwn sy,
tap law jad musuh..
abis lar kmu..
tseksa secara mental n fizikal..gara2 mulut sy..
(bestnya merepek)
sot pla nie printer baru sa..
org maw print.
di s2 lar dia btebiat..
law sya nda tahan..
sy antar p Klinik Cinta Sayang nie..hahahahahahahaahahah
sy borink ow..hell
mls tei maw tdur..
puas dah sy tdur maw bwat ar..
dah lar teda krdt sy..
sot punya org celcom,
lmbt tul maw kasi aktif
kecian mom sy msg gtaw dia rndu sy..
hehe(bangga sy kna rindu)
mest dorg rndu sy bising2 d dapur 2..'hehe'
n kuat tdur..kuat jalan..kuat shopping..kuat membodek minta duit..kuat mrajuk(ehe?!), kuat membebel, kuat minum air putih, kuat mrajin kan diri..(pa bha sy ckp nie??) kuat b'aircond, kuat ktawa(huhahuha), kuat brebut rancangan astro ngan adek2, kuat bg arahan kat adek2.. tapikan...SAYA NIE LOVING TAW..
saya sayang FAMILY sy, sanggup korbankan pa2 ja utk nmpak my family hepi..
pcaya ka??
I did once okay..
Tuhan 2 pyayang, sgt adil..
see my life? im so blessed okay..thank u Lord..
sy nda sabar maw gunakn suara bulat utk bcakap & mnyanyi nie kat church..
my voice is my secret weapon taw!
byk dah pgalam sy psal suara nie..
psal sy gaduh ngan doktor2pakar kat hospitAl(in BI) HAHA..LOLZ!
GDUH ngan security guard kat female ward kgau(mang sy brani tul)-bduh nie sa-
mAki2 ex(s)-bf kat phone..hahaha..punya lucu, pa sy pduli,mang dorg yg salah..(sot)
lawan mulut ngan gurls gete d skul dlu,
p bgaduh ngan pondan dpn Bank BSN(PEDULI!!)
byk lag..nant lae sy kasi taw,,
jan cua2 gaduh ngan sy taw, law sy start buka mulut, ble jatuh maruah org 2 s'umur hidup
mang sy baik law korg jad kwn sy,
tap law jad musuh..
abis lar kmu..
tseksa secara mental n fizikal..gara2 mulut sy..
(bestnya merepek)
nda sangka nie..sok maw jalan dah p hot spring..heheheheehehehehe
sy dah book seat sblah dia..maw duk sblah bbymeo n crita2..lalalalalalala
mest best nie!!
uina jo! lupa lae bli mknan, hmm, sok lar bli..ble jg kami mkn2 nant..hehe
dia sweet ska tul cara dia, dia bukn jenis yg nak bkepit 24 hours..
bg sy space sy utk bsosial ngan kwn2..mang memahami tul..
sy ska bila sy diberikan kebebasan n kepercayaan seperti nie..
but of course lar sy tak myalahgunakan kebebasan nie..
sy tak prnah lupa sya ada dia taw..
sy salu2 check2 hp tggu msg dia..
nah kan, sot2 suda sy..
syok sndri nie..
tap btul ar, i love him..
xkan ada org lain..
xkan ada org yg ble tarik phatian sy lag..
mang dah t'cop dah nie..
I WANT HIM!!!!!!!!
nda sangka nie..sok maw jalan dah p hot spring..heheheheehehehehe
sy dah book seat sblah dia..maw duk sblah bbymeo n crita2..lalalalalalala
mest best nie!!
uina jo! lupa lae bli mknan, hmm, sok lar bli..ble jg kami mkn2 nant..hehe
dia sweet ska tul cara dia, dia bukn jenis yg nak bkepit 24 hours..
bg sy space sy utk bsosial ngan kwn2..mang memahami tul..
sy ska bila sy diberikan kebebasan n kepercayaan seperti nie..
but of course lar sy tak myalahgunakan kebebasan nie..
sy tak prnah lupa sya ada dia taw..
sy salu2 check2 hp tggu msg dia..
nah kan, sot2 suda sy..
syok sndri nie..
tap btul ar, i love him..
xkan ada org lain..
xkan ada org yg ble tarik phatian sy lag..
mang dah t'cop dah nie..
I WANT HIM!!!!!!!!
i miss HELL!
....Xtam mcmna nak start, tap sy nak confess, sy tidak lar sebaik gurls out there. Sy simple ja,nda brapa pndai mmujuk n mang kurang sabar, but I tell u guys, once sy syg@fell in love with someone n dpt feedback yg positive, sy mang setia n syg nak mampus ngan org tue, ble dkatakn tahap dewa-dewi cinta sy kpd laki 2, sy akan trima dia xkira pa yg dia dah buat before sy knal n jmpa dia, sy trima dia seadanya n sy arap dia pun ble trima diri sy..
hehehe..n disebabkn sy ska memasak, confirm laki 2 xkan lapar law kbtulan sy tggal tmpt yg ada dpur(cth: rumah sewa) sy ble masakkan mknan..hehe, n sy mang memasak ngan penuh kasih syg, lagi satu, sy kaki window shopping, jadi law pilih2 baju utk laki sy sgt suka..hehe..
pgalaman lepas wat sy blajar jad lebih pyabar, n now im trying my best utk jadi pndai mmujuk@tidak myakitkn hati, hehe
sy tgok bbymeo sy ada ciri2 mcm papa sy, jadi relationship kali nie sy arap btul2 success!!
sy taw tlalu awal utk mgharap smua nie tapi law kita fkr tul2, pa guna klu kita kapel2 tap ending yg tak best kan?
semestinya kita smua mgharapkan ending yg best..hehe
lucu pla taip gnie, n sbagai 18 yrs old girl, I think it is quite normal to talk bout' this kind of thing..
tak pernah sy tfikir nak duit or just main2kan dia psal hati nie beb!
sy btul2 nak bg komitmen kat dia, n sorry law sy jarang msg/kol dia..
sy sdg tggu sim celcom sy aktif, utk dia..
arap2 rltnshp kali nie direstui family, prasaan sy btul2 strong mgatakn he suits me..dadadadada
pa sy mrepek nie..
but actually sy mgharap nie..hehehe..Amen.
hehehe..n disebabkn sy ska memasak, confirm laki 2 xkan lapar law kbtulan sy tggal tmpt yg ada dpur(cth: rumah sewa) sy ble masakkan mknan..hehe, n sy mang memasak ngan penuh kasih syg, lagi satu, sy kaki window shopping, jadi law pilih2 baju utk laki sy sgt suka..hehe..
pgalaman lepas wat sy blajar jad lebih pyabar, n now im trying my best utk jadi pndai mmujuk@tidak myakitkn hati, hehe
sy tgok bbymeo sy ada ciri2 mcm papa sy, jadi relationship kali nie sy arap btul2 success!!
sy taw tlalu awal utk mgharap smua nie tapi law kita fkr tul2, pa guna klu kita kapel2 tap ending yg tak best kan?
semestinya kita smua mgharapkan ending yg best..hehe
lucu pla taip gnie, n sbagai 18 yrs old girl, I think it is quite normal to talk bout' this kind of thing..
tak pernah sy tfikir nak duit or just main2kan dia psal hati nie beb!
sy btul2 nak bg komitmen kat dia, n sorry law sy jarang msg/kol dia..
sy sdg tggu sim celcom sy aktif, utk dia..
arap2 rltnshp kali nie direstui family, prasaan sy btul2 strong mgatakn he suits me..dadadadada
pa sy mrepek nie..
but actually sy mgharap nie..hehehe..Amen.
Baru lek dr choir practise:)
hehe....sakit ow tekak, nyanyi2 mcm kili, ari 2 pun brabis nie bha kan kami blatih, skali nah! Gila Ler!! kna postponed kunu lawatan 2 rektor, neneknya lar..punya kin pnas, deei dege!
anyway tadi sy blajar nyanyi lagu 'pahlawan'(maybe lar) best jg ow, enjoy..hehe
tap ngantuk tul ow..ngatuk thap cipan bha..huhu
sy rindu sgt bbymeo sy..hehe, syg dia, sy pun blank2 nie knapa, prasaan nie terlalu natural utk sy explain mcmna sy ble ska dia, mungkin sudah takdir n sy dtakdirkan utk hidup ngan dia.
because, sy mai cnie pun parents sy yg galakan, hahaha, lucu tul law ingat sy nangis tym kna suru p interview..hehe
dgn rmbut yg brown, bsanggul, pin d bahu utk menutup bahagian yg koyak psal tgunting, kasut yg bukan bwarna hitam, baju graduasi Form 3, hahahahahaha,,pa sy pduli, sy jalan ja p mktb kgau, antam2 cari tandas..hehe, jmpa2 ja org, antam ja crita2..hehe..thank you my Lord. I'm so happy to be here and met my BbyMeo..May God Bless Us..Amen:)
hehe....sakit ow tekak, nyanyi2 mcm kili, ari 2 pun brabis nie bha kan kami blatih, skali nah! Gila Ler!! kna postponed kunu lawatan 2 rektor, neneknya lar..punya kin pnas, deei dege!
anyway tadi sy blajar nyanyi lagu 'pahlawan'(maybe lar) best jg ow, enjoy..hehe
tap ngantuk tul ow..ngatuk thap cipan bha..huhu
sy rindu sgt bbymeo sy..hehe, syg dia, sy pun blank2 nie knapa, prasaan nie terlalu natural utk sy explain mcmna sy ble ska dia, mungkin sudah takdir n sy dtakdirkan utk hidup ngan dia.
because, sy mai cnie pun parents sy yg galakan, hahaha, lucu tul law ingat sy nangis tym kna suru p interview..hehe
dgn rmbut yg brown, bsanggul, pin d bahu utk menutup bahagian yg koyak psal tgunting, kasut yg bukan bwarna hitam, baju graduasi Form 3, hahahahahaha,,pa sy pduli, sy jalan ja p mktb kgau, antam2 cari tandas..hehe, jmpa2 ja org, antam ja crita2..hehe..thank you my Lord. I'm so happy to be here and met my BbyMeo..May God Bless Us..Amen:)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Baby Meo...
Sgt2 sweet...
I love his name...
Sgt cute..
not a 'king Control'..
Warm smile..
dAmn Nice..
Funny(i'm a serious person)..hee:)
knows how to mingle around with society
down-to-earth man..
I love his name...
Sgt cute..
not a 'king Control'..
Warm smile..
dAmn Nice..
Funny(i'm a serious person)..hee:)
knows how to mingle around with society
down-to-earth man..
D cAnteen ipsah
uina jo, borink nie bha kn..huhu, tad tjumpa c puvan..hehe..mcm malu jg, tap pa ble bwat, bwat2 cool ja lar..huhu, but i miss my romeo like sooooooooo BAD! and i haven't met him...sja ja nie duk2 d kantin(arap2 nda tjumpa en.sofri) DANNNNNNG!!!!
Anyway, sy nda mkn pun, c Rona ja yg mkn..hahaha, punya buduh tym assembly tad, GILA LER!!!1
TBABI JA KAMI BDIRI MCM BABI! kakakakakakakakaH!
start jam 7.30a.m abis jam 8 lebi, agak2 jg lar bha jo!
uina...punya byk assignment, nda taw maw start mna 1 dlu...kwang3..
Anyway, sy nda mkn pun, c Rona ja yg mkn..hahaha, punya buduh tym assembly tad, GILA LER!!!1
TBABI JA KAMI BDIRI MCM BABI! kakakakakakakakaH!
start jam 7.30a.m abis jam 8 lebi, agak2 jg lar bha jo!
uina...punya byk assignment, nda taw maw start mna 1 dlu...kwang3..
Uina tul nie bha kn, nda ada lecture ngan kwn 'hu-ha-hu-ha' ja kat blik..esok pun xda klas, punya best law ada kwn escape, hehe(tanduk kuar)..
huhu, actually, sy nda dpt tdur bha nie..confuse jok! sy maw bgun a.m nant..huhu..tulung lar sa..sepa ble tulung ar? sy maw p brenang nie, p wat massage kar..nduk bha, sy siakan tul bambangan..punya sdap tu mkn pkai ikan masin yg kna bakar..nant law sy lek sabah sy maw msak2..heeee:) aiya, sialan tul tu lecturer PJ and Moral..gete thap cipan ow, punya buduh!
sy sUUT 2 kpala durg, suda lar tua, gmuk..atuk....oi! ada ati maw bwa sy kuar..yey, sy tmbuk tu lma2..hehe, k lar, modop oku poh kio, sy tulis2 lag bisuk. daaa!
huhu, actually, sy nda dpt tdur bha nie..confuse jok! sy maw bgun a.m nant..huhu..tulung lar sa..sepa ble tulung ar? sy maw p brenang nie, p wat massage kar..nduk bha, sy siakan tul bambangan..punya sdap tu mkn pkai ikan masin yg kna bakar..nant law sy lek sabah sy maw msak2..heeee:) aiya, sialan tul tu lecturer PJ and Moral..gete thap cipan ow, punya buduh!
sy sUUT 2 kpala durg, suda lar tua, gmuk..atuk....oi! ada ati maw bwa sy kuar..yey, sy tmbuk tu lma2..hehe, k lar, modop oku poh kio, sy tulis2 lag bisuk. daaa!
mY NEw Life in IPSAH
sejak jad remaja berumur 18 tahun nie, mcm2 dugaan dtg dlm melanda.But finally,I managed to set up here in IPSAH, enrolling in TESL programme( huhu ). Best sgt dpt ramai kwn dr sluruh pelusuk negara, Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Punjabi..uina jo, mcm2! Gila LeR! dUIT sy pun cpat tul abis, ntah lar napa. dlm seminggu ada lar 2-3 ratus ringgit dilaburkan ke dlm akaun org lain, ntah bbunga ka nda..hehe, anyway, I miss my family sooooooo MUCH!
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